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小強改過自新了 Xiao Qiang Turned Over A New Leaf

Xiao Qiang belonged to the True Jesus Church in Taipei, Taiwan, and he attended the children’s Religious Education Elementary 1 class. He was a friendly and outgoing boy. He belonged to a family of six and had three siblings: an older brother, an older sister, and an adorable younger brother who always called him “Big Bro.”

One afternoon in 1986, after Sabbath services were over, everyone at church soon went home. Only one elderly 80 year-old member, Brother Yan, was still cleaning the chapel by himself. Seeing that he was working alone, Xiao Qiang thoughtfully volunteered to stay behind to help old Uncle Yan to finish cleaning the church.

While sweeping the floor, Xiao Qiang suddenly spotted a small round coin on the floor. It was a one dollar coin! (Back then, one dollar was a large amount of money.) Thinking he could buy some snacks later with the dollar, he quietly slipped it into his pocket without telling anyone. After he finished cleaning the church, Xiao Qiang quickly ran out to buy snacks with the money he had found and enjoyed himself very much.

But in the evening when he came home, Xiao Qiang developed a fever. His parents thought he had caught a cold and prayed for him. Then they took him to see the doctor for some medication and an injection. That doctor was Dr. Hong, who was also a True Jesus Church member.

The following day, Xiao Qiang still felt terrible! He was shaking with the chills one minute and then feverish the next minute. He cried and moaned to his mother, and said, “My throat hurts so much!” His tonsils had become inflamed. His mother was very concerned and thought it would be best to take him to the church so Preacher Hou could pray for him and lay hands on him. Even after the prayer, Xiao Qiang did not get any better. His parents continued to pray for him and then finally even took him to see an Ear, Nose and Throat specialist to examine and clean his throat. The doctor prescribed two days of medication for Xiao Qiang to take home and then they left.

However, Xiao Qiang did not get any better even after finishing the course of medication. This was strange. His father did not understand why Xiao Qiang was not getting better. ‘What is the cause of this?’ he wondered. Then the Lord Jesus helped his father figure out the reason for his sickness. His father knew Xiao Qiang could be quite naughty at times. He wondered whether Xiao Qiang picked up some money in the chapel when he was helping uncle Yan with the cleaning the previous weekend. If instead of putting the money he found in the offering box, he secretly went and spent it, this might explain why he had not gotten better. From past experience, normally a cold would get better pretty quickly after the preacher lay hands on him and prayed for him. In addition to this, he had seen two doctors, had some medical treatment and even taken some medication to cure his cold. This was not an ordinary illness. There must be something more to this than meets the eye. God must have his reason for allowing him to continue to be ill.

Xiao Qiang’s father asked him, “Son, be honest with me. When you were sweeping the floor at church last Saturday, did you pick up any money?” Xiao Qiang was afraid to tell the truth so he lied, “No, I didn’t.” His father said, “If not, then why have you not recovered yet from your sickness? Even after seeing the doctor twice and having the preacher lay hands on you, you have not gotten better. Think carefully. Maybe you did something wrong?” Xiao Qiang did not say anything.

Four days later, Xiao Qiang was still very sick. His parents took him to the Ear, Nose and Throat specialist again. After examining him, the doctor asked, “This is very strange! Why didn’t you get any better? Instead of getting better, your tonsils have actually become even more swollen! Usually people get better after just one visit to our clinic.”

After going home, Xiao Qiang’s father asked him again to think about what he may have done wrong. But Xiao Qiang was afraid to confess anything. His father suspected that Xiao Qiang was hiding something and finally had to resort to threats of punishment to make him talk. Finally, Xiao Qiang admitted his fault and confessed his mistake.

After listening to Xiao Qiang’s story, his father took a very serious tone with him. “If that’s the case” he said, “then you do not need to take any more medicine. We have wasted a lot of money on this, which could have been avoided. You have suffered this illness for what you did, and your mom and I have suffered along with you.”

His mother told him to kneel down to confess his wrongdoing to the Lord Jesus Christ right away and pray earnestly for the Lord’s forgiveness. Xiao Qiang realized that he had done badly and was sorry. He had been greedy for snacks and ended up taking a dollar that did not belong to him to buy those snacks. This caused much hardship for himself and his family.“The Lord is near to those who have a broken heart and saves such as have a contrite spirit.” (Psalm 34:18) Xiao Qiang knew what he did was wrong and he knelt down to pray, with a contrite and repentant heart before the Lord. After the prayer, he got up and miraculously, the swelling in his throat was gone! At that moment, he realized that what the Bible says is true:“For whom the Lord loves He chastens and scourges every son whom He receives.” (Hebrews 12:6)

From that time forward, Xiao Qiang made a determination to be a good child and to please the Lord in everything he did.The next day, Xiao Qiang’s father gave him a dollar and told him to go to the church to offer it to God. His father taught him that if he ever found any money or anything at church, he should never put it into his own pocket. He should return it to the rightful owner or put it into the offering box. This lesson imprinted itself deeply in Xiao Qiang’s heart so that he would never take anything that did not belong to him.

        In January 1977, Xiao Qiang became a member of the school traffic patrol team at Zhong Xiao Elementary School. At that time, he was in the third grade. One day, while patrolling the side of a street, he spotted a beautiful leather purse by the side of the road. He opened the purse and found $130NT inside. This time, Xiao Qiang knew better than to take the money to go buy snacks. He was no longer greedy for snacks like he used to be, because the Lord Jesus had helped him to change already. He handed the purse he had found directly to the teacher.

A few days later, during a morning assembly, the principal of the school personally awarded Xiao Qiang with a “Lost and Found Money Returned” certificate in recognition of his honesty and integrity. The principal hoped that all students could learn from Xiao Qiang and act with honesty and integrity. The principal further announced that if no one came forward to claim the purse within six months, according to the regulations regarding lost property, the purse would belong to Xiao Qiang.

Xiao Qiang received the award and returned back to his seat amidst the applause of all the other students gathered in the assembly hall. Needless to say, Xiao Qiang was extremely happy. After school, he joyfully walked and skipped his way all the way home. Then, he proudly showed the certificate of honor to his siblings and they were all so envious! His parents’ hearts were filled with thanksgiving. If the Lord Jesus did not discipline Xiao Qiang the last time, Xiao Qiang would not have enjoyed such admiration and honor today. All credit and glory should be given to the Lord Jesus for his protection and his blessing. It was through God that Xiao Qiang changed his old ways to glorify God and benefit those around him. Xiao Qiang happily hung the certificate on the wall and gave all glory to the Lord Jesus who loves him.

(Taken from Religious Education Publication, page 9 of Issue 73)