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天使收割麥子,收回天家 The Angels Harvested Wheat to Take Back to the Heavenly Home


In the same prayer session, Sis Lin saw another vision. In this vision she again saw a vast piece of land; a beautiful field full of wheat, all ripe and ready for harvesting.
Suddenly, many angels appeared. In this vision she did not see one angel, but a great multitude of angels, and they were divided into groups and lined up neatly in different rows.

    這許多天使到這麥田裏排隊要做甚麼呢?他們是不是要像那一位天使?檢查麥穗,拔掉生病而變黑了 的麥穗?不是的,他們都帶著鐮刀,鐮刀就是用來割麥、割稻的刀。
Why did so many angels line up in the wheat field? Were they going to be like the lone angel in the first vision that was examining the heads of wheat and plucking out the sick and darkened ones? No, these were armed with sickles which they were going to use to harvest the wheat.


When they had lined up, they bent down and began to cut the wheat with their sickles. The sight was indeed beautiful to behold. They did not cut the wheat like average farmers did; with much strained effort causing them to sweat a lot. Instead, they cut lightly and speedily, so the harvest was done very quickly. They then bound the wheat they cut down into bundles, and put the bundles on their backs one by one. Then all the angels flew upward with the wheat on their back. Looking at them from afar, it seemed like a white line was flying away from you.


In the field, there remained some wheat that was sick and withered or darkened. At this moment, the ugly devil appeared again. The devil saw the bad and dirty wheat that was left in the field and broke into a fit of loud laughter. How detestable!


Our little friends! The wheat has ripened and the time of harvest has come. What does this mean spiritually?
This refers to the end of the world when the Lord Jesus will take the good members in our true church back to heaven. As for those bad members, they believed and were baptized, and did not follow God's commands. Instead, they turned away to do bad things, and committing sins leading to death; they will be like the sick and rotten wheat that remained in the field. They will go down to hell with the abominable devil to receive eternal punishment. That was why the devil broke into laughter when it saw the wheat that remained, for the wheat would keep him company on his way to hell.
Our little friends, we are the good members who strive to run the good race to heaven. We must be careful not to do wrong and we must listen to our parents’ words. Do not do bad things, lest we become the darkened wheat in the end time; the wheat which was left behind and shut out of heaven.