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神,如何成為我的神 How God became my God


I was around 14 or 15 years old when I migrated to the United States of America. Back then, I attended the Student Spiritual Convocation in the US.

One evening, there was an evangelical service held during the spiritual convocation and the Student Spiritual Convocation was being held at the same time.


During the service, I went to the front to pray. Even though I’d received the Holy Spirit when I was ten years old, I’d never had any kind of warm feeling or experienced something like electricity. I was not completely sure whether the Holy Spirit was real or not.


My experience this time was something new to me. I felt a great warmth coming down from my head to my toes. At that time, I re-confirmed that the Holy Spirit was real and it is the Spirit of God.The preachers had encouraged us to read the Bible. After that experience, I made the determination to read the Bible daily and I finished reading the Bible that same year. I also started praying daily on my own.

No one had to tell me. That same Student Spiritual Convocation, the Spirit of God moved my J1 classmates too. We, the students, decided to go to Church on Friday nights half hour before service to pray together. From then, this God was not only the God of my parents. That was the beginning of my relationship with God; when this God became my own God.