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天使是婉恩的好朋友 The Angels are Wan-En's Good Friends

In 1971, there was once a student of Taichung Church’s Elementary 1 Religious Education Class called Wan-En Ye. She was five years old at the time. During that time, her father had been diagnosed with cancer. He had undergone an operation in Taipei, but his condition did not improve after going home. Wan-En’s family continued to pray to God earnestly every day for her father; sometimes several times throughout the day. Then in the evenings, her mother and cousin would go attend the church services. Since Wan-En and her sisters were still little, they stayed home to keep their father company.

One evening on December 6, 1971, her mother, cousin, and oldest sister all left for the church service as usual. Her father called her and her sisters to his bedside to pray with him. Wan-En and her other two older sisters went together to their father’s bedside, knelt down, and prayed.

婉恩剛跪下來禱告,不久,她就看到了異象。她在禱告中看到了很多天使,一共有八位,都站在很高的地方唱詩,婉恩心想:「真美!」 婉恩看見有一位天使一邊飛,一邊彈琴。
One evening on December 6, 1971, her mother, cousin, and oldest sister all left for the church service as usual. Her father called her and her sisters to his bedside to pray with him. Wan-En and her other two older sisters went together to their father’s bedside, knelt down, and prayed.

Her mother later asked her, “Did the angel carry something that resembles the heavy piano we have at home while it was flying?” Wan-En answered, “No, the instrument the angel played had a number of strings like what’s inside of our piano.”

It turned out that the angel was playing a harp, with several strings – like the kind we often see David depicted playing in drawings. However, Wan-En said that the harp the angel played was much more beautiful than the ordinary ones we have on earth, because the harp had many beautifully painted designs on it.

Another angel carried a little drum, and beat the drum with its fingers. It was such an amazing sight to see! Wan-En really liked the little drum, so the angel hung a drum on her and let Wan-En started beating the drum. It was so much fun! She also saw one angel playing the violin and another angel playing the harmonica. Her mother later asked her to describe it to her, and she said, “The harmonica was a long one and when it was put in front of the angel’s face, the angel blew into it. The angel also pressed its fingers on it to play it.” It turned out that what she saw was not a harmonica, but a flute.

The angel playing the flute later hung his flute in mid-air and flew down to where she was. The angel stretched out hands from underneath its wings to lay hands on Wan-En and her sisters. When the angel laid its hands on her second older sister, she was filled with the Holy Spirit (she had already received the Holy Spirit before). The angel also laid his hands on Wan-En.

Next, the angels came to Wan-En and tapped her on her head as if to say, “Come on, let’s go play!” They had so much fun together. The angels combed Wan-En’s hair for her, but it was different to how her mother usually combed it. Her mother would hold the comb in her hand and slowly comb her hair. The angels commanded the comb and it moved by itself to comb her hair. The angels did not even need to hold the comb directly. How wonderful!

Wan-En said that when her hair was tied into pigtails, she felt very pretty. Later her mother asked her, “Why did you feel pretty? Did you see yourself in a mirror?” Wan-En recalled that she did not look into a mirror, but she knew that at that moment she had turned into a very pretty girl. Later, the angels asked the ribbon to come down, and it did.

Wan-En said that the clothes the angels wore were beautiful. However, they did not dress in red, but in white. There was a bow on the front part of their clothes and another on the back; one here and one there. It was so beautiful to look at!

In the vision, the angels showed Wan-En many photos. They were photos of the past outings of Wan-En’s family. They all looked very happy! Some of the pictures were not even in their own photo albums, but when she saw those pictures, she instantly recalled the happy times and memories she was being shown.

Lastly, the angels showed her two photos, but the figures in the photos were active, like people that you see on a television screen. In the first photo, she saw her father walking to and fro. In the second photo, she saw that while her father was walking, suddenly his legs were broken by Satan and he fell down. His family then gathered around his bed to pray for him. When Wan-En saw this, she was very upset and cried out, “Daddy, Daddy!” and began to cry.

When the angels saw her crying, they comforted her, “Little Wan-En, don’t cry! All of you must pray earnestly for your father. The Lord Jesus will heal your father’s legs.” But she was still sad and crying because of what she saw. At this time, her mother, cousin, and oldest sister all came back from the church. It is not clear how long they had been praying, but they were still praying when her mother knocked on the door. Later, her second older sister heard the knock and quickly went to open the door. Then they ended their prayer.

Their cousin came to check on them and saw Wan-En crying. She took Wan-En to the kitchen to pour some milk for her. However, Wan-En was still crying as she followed her cousin to the kitchen. At this time, the angels had not left her, but continued to comfort her saying, “Dear little Wan-En, don’t cry!” Wan-En walked around in the kitchen for a while before the angels left.

One day, Wan-En’s father wanted to get out of the bed. He did not know that his leg bones were so severely damaged by the cancer that they were like brittle, termite infested logs. When he got up and walked, his leg bones suddenly broke and he fell down to the ground. He cried out for his family to help, so they hurried to help him back onto his bed. Then they gathered around his bed to pray for him. This scene was exactly the same as the last photo the angels showed Wan-En and as a result they prayed even more earnestly than usual.

Wan-En’s father was rushed to the hospital to receive treatment for his legs. However, the doctors could not do anything for him because the bones on his legs were too weak! Nevertheless, the Lord Jesus heard the prayers of their family. By the power of God, her father’s leg bones were set and healed themselves. God sent them a brother who knew how to set bones to help heal her father’s broken legs. This was just like what the angels had told Wan-En – “The Lord Jesus will heal your father’s legs”. Thank God for His love towards us!

(Taken from Religious Education Publication, page 27 of Issue 42)