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阿嬤的寶盒 Grandma’s Treasure Box
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禮物 Gift

阿嬤的寶盒 Grandma’s Treasure Box


When Xiao-Li was seven years old, she once went to her grandmother’s house, which was large and spacious. While Xiao-Li was playing happily with her little cousin, they suddenly spotted a box on the wardrobe in their grandmother’s room. As the two of them were discussing how to climb up on to the wardrobe, their grandmother walked in and discovered them there. “What are you two doing here?” she asked. They quickly ran away as soon as they heard her voice. Xiao-Li really wanted to know what was inside that box. It remained a mystery until one day when Xiao-Li had grown tall enough for her hand to reach the box. She was finally able to open the box and look inside. The box was filled with old photos. Xiao-Li glanced at the pictures one by one and asked, “Who is this? Grandma, who is in these photos?”


After hearing Xiao-Li’s question, her grandmother, mother, and aunties, who were all in the other room, came and gathered round. As they flipped through the photos, they all started speaking at once, “Wow, this one is from when your grandma was young! This is another one of grandma with Louise Tsuei.” And so, they continued babbling away.

Finally, the mystery was revealed. The box was filled with photos from when her grandmother had opened her restaurant. She had photos together with the singers from her restaurant. It was a time when her business was at its peak. Her grandmother shuffled through the photos, smiled, took off her glasses and said, “I am an eighty-year-old woman now. It would be a shame to throw these photos away, so it is best to keep them.” She stood up and put the box away safely.

“You know, real treasures are invisible, Xiao-Li. Grandma has a secret treasure box. Do you have one?” she asked. Xiao-Li lowered her head to think for a moment, and looked up and asked, “Grandma, do you mean…?” and she pointed to her chest. Her grandmother nodded and smiled, “In the past, grandma loved to earn money. But after believing in the Lord, my heart changed a lot.” Then she asked, “Xiao-Li, do you love Lord Jesus? Do you know the Lord Jesus loves you?”

Xiao-Li did not give her an answer at the time. After she returned home, she recalled her second year of primary school, when she was representing her class in a story-telling contest. As she arrived at the auditorium, she looked into the hall and saw it was full of students. She became extremely nervous, but to calm herself down she secretly prayed to God, saying, “O Lord, I am Xiao-Li. In a moment, when I draw my number to see when my turn is, let me get the number one so I can get my turn done quickly and leave the stage. Lord Jesus, please help me! Amen!” Then a voice came across the auditorium microphone, “Please can all second-year students participating in the competition please come forward to draw their numbers.” The students went up onto the stage and formed a circle around the teacher and started to draw their lots. Xiao-Li waited until all the other students had taken a number before she took the last one. When she opened the slip of paper, it was the number one!


Now she was able to calm down. During the competition, she was able to smoothly finish telling her story and got first place! This was the first time that Xiao-Li established a connection with God by herself. You might think that this was just a coincidence. However, when Xiao-Li was in her fourth year of primary school, she was again chosen to represent her class in a story-telling competition. She was feeling just as nervous as the last time. Xiao-Li once again prayed to God, and this time she said, “O Lord Jesus! I am participating in this competition again. This time I want to ask you to let me get the number three, so that I can see the presentations of the other students. Lord Jesus, please help me!” Just as before, she waited to take the last number after everyone else had drawn their lot. Wow! It was the number three! The Lord had answered her prayer. Xiao-Li successfully participated in the competition and took first place again!

From this, Xiao-Li knew that God really listens to those who pray when they are in need. Throughout her studies, God was guiding her, whether in her interactions with fellow students or when she was ill. Just as her grandmother had once said, we cannot plan for all the things that may happen in life. However, by the mercies of the Lord, the outcome will always be sweet. The secret treasure box that her grandmother talked about was always full of sweet memories because of the grace of God. Her grandmother had stored all of these things in her heart so that she could share them with whoever needed it.


Xiao-Li once asked her grandmother, “Grandma, is it that the Lord Jesus only listens to our prayers? Then does that mean He will not listen to the prayers of those who do not believe in Him?” Her grandmother smiled and replied, “I remember there was once a story to do with your mom, just after we came to believe in the Lord. At that time, your mom was only twenty years old. It was a Sabbath Day, and we were at the church for services. There was neighbor whose daughter was upset about something, so she ran to the church and suddenly appeared, looking to speak with your mom. At the time, we had already finished singing the hymn and were about to pray.” Xiao-Li’s grandmother paused for a moment and then continued, “The ushers brought her to your mom and she was startled at what she saw. She realized that there must have been something wrong at home, so she hurriedly invited her to pray together.”

Her grandmother took a deep breath and carried on, “When that little girl closed her eyes, the sound of people praying around her entered her heart and her ears. Unexpectedly, to her it became the comforting sound of hymns. Though she had not yet said anything about what was troubling her, God already knew. Her tears flowed freely. Alas, she was such a poor child. God knew everything that was going on even though she had not said anything yet. God knows everything.” After hearing what her grandmother said, Xiao-Li knew that there were many stories about God’s compassionate grace in her grandmother’s secret treasure box. She was so blessed to have such a grandmother.

要認識神並不難,因為神早已認識你,你也別擔心:「我要對祂說什麼呢?」喔!Don’t  worry,祂明白你的難處。你要愛你自己,主耶穌是好朋友,祂……靠得住。你想不想也讓主耶穌成為你最好的朋友呢?歡迎你到真耶穌教會來認識祂。

To get to know God is not hard because God already knows you, so you do not have to worry about what you should say to God. Do not worry! God understands your difficulties. You just have to love yourself and know that the Lord Jesus is a good friend. He is someone you can truly rely on! Do you want to let the Lord Jesus become your best friend?We welcome you to come to the True Jesus Church to get to know Him.

「耶和華真神啊,謙卑人的心願,你早已知道;祢必預備祂們的心,也必側耳聽他們的祈求。」 《聖經》詩篇十篇17節

‘Lord, You have heard the desire of the humble; You will prepare their heart; You will cause Your ear to hear.’-Psalm 10:17